Prevent Click to Links

Kategorisi : Uncategorized
    window.onload= function(){         DisableEnableLinks(true) } function DisableEnableLinks(xHow){   objLinks = document.links;   for(i=0;i<objLinks.length;i++){     objLinks[i].disabled = xHow;     //link with onclick     if(objLinks[i].onclick && xHow){           objLinks[i].onclick =          new Function("return false;" + objLinks[i].onclick.toString().getFuncBody());     }     //link without onclick     else if(xHow){         objLinks[i].onclick = function(){return false;}     }     //remove return false with link without onclick     else if     (!xHow && objLinks[i].onclick.toString().indexOf("function(){return false;}") != -1){                   objLinks[i].onclick = null;     }     //remove return false link with onclick     else if(!xHow && objLinks[i].onclick.toString().indexOf("return false;") != -1){         strClick = objLinks[i].onclick.toString().getFuncBody().replace("return false;","")       objLinks[i].onclick = new Function(strClick);     }   } } String.prototype.getFuncBody = function(){    var str=this.toString();    str=str.replace(/[^{]+{/,"");   str=str.substring(0,str.length-1);      str = str.replace(/\n/gi,"");   if(!str.match(/\(.*\)/gi))str += ")";   return str;  } 

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Php, ajax, jquery, mootools web programlama. Linux, apache, lamp sunucu yönetimi. Cpanel, plesk, lxadmin panel kurulumlari.

07 / 03 / 2025, 02:33:36
Web yazilim, grafik

Tunalioglu.org - 2015